Romania wins second place at the European Cyber Security championships

The Romanian team has won the second place at the European Cyber Security championships. The competition took place in Malaga, Spain between October 30-November 3.

Spain has won the competition and Italy secured the third place. These are the final results

1. Spain 2. Romania 3. Italy 4. Norway 5. UK 6. Cyprus

Several teams from Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, Cyprus, Norway, Greece, and Ireland have participated. Each country had a team formed of 10 competitors and there were two categories- 16-10 years old and 21-25 years old.

The competition through which the national team was selected was organized in July by the National Association for the Security of Informatics Systems together with Bitdefender. The first stage of the competition consisted of exercises in the field of web app security, cyber attacks, cryptography, analyzing network traffic, reverse engineering and public presentation.


The European Cyber Security Challenge is an initiative by the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA). Its purpose is to enhance cybersecurity talent across European countries and to connect potential talents to industry leading organizations.






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