Young girl saves mother and one year old brother from death

An amazing 11-year-old girl has proved her courage when she managed to save her mother and her brother from death.

The mother and the one-year-old brother fell into a crevice in Caras Gorges, Caras-Severin county. The girl called the police immediately and thanks to her explanations, the saviors have found them immediately and rescued the two.


The family was on a trip to celebrate May 1st in Caras gorges, which is part of the Semenic- Caras Gorges national park. The Caras gorges are part of the Aninei mountains, between Comarnic river and Carasova commune. It is 578 hectares wide. The family was part of a larger group of tourists, however, they remained separated in the trip. The mother was carrying the boy in a special baby carrier when she slept and fell in a 10-meter crevice. Luckily, she has managed to grab some branches and she hung on to them 3 meters above Caras river.

The girl did not panic and called the police immediately. The firemen, policemen and two mountain rescuers have come to their aid. Thankfully, they have managed to save them and now they are safe and sound. The mother and the boy did not suffer any bruises.










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