Romanian engineer wins MIT competition for inventing high-tech face mask

Masks have become increasingly important this year and many companies have started producing masks that are either fashionable or ultra-efficient against viruses.

A new futuristic looking anti Covid-19 mask that has been designed by a Romanian engineer has recently won the top prize at a contest organized by MIT Media Lab. MIT has organised a competition that asked engineers to create face masks and protective equipment as a response to the pandemic.

The engineer’s name is Burzo Ciprian and he invented a minimalist mask which is transparent and social friendly. However, the most important feature is that it detects Covid-19 particles in the environment with the help of a biosensor. The sensor is also connected to the smartphone via an app and it tracks the pathogens in the air, then collects the data and maps other people around you. Then, it calculates your risk of infection with the coronavirus.

Burzo Ciprian noted:

Connecting the mask with our smartphone is a real option for the future. We should know who is infected in our area, and get informed on our smartphone about what the biosensor has detected based on surrounding particles. These are just a few of the options that will surely feature in the mask of the future.

The mask design is a prototype that is still under development.







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